onTune nmon Analyzer Plus


ONA plus consists of ONAP.exe (parser program); ONAPex.exe(User viewer program); and a database.

Upon ONA Plus installation, ONAP.exe works in background as a windows service.

Parsed data is stored in a MariaDB database, which is included in the installation package.

Users analyze nmon logs via ONAPex.exe



1. Parsing speed is 100 to 1000 times faster than excel analyzer.

2. Unlike the excel analyzer, results from ONA plus are not constrained to the individual nmon file. Users may select the time period to analyze, and several servers, without regard to individual, separate files.

3. Provide various user views, from basic items to expert-editable views.

4. AIX parameters (such as no, ioo, vmo, etc) management is not only supported , but also a history of change of each item is provided.

5. CPU pool chart(IBM CPU virtualization) is provided with  integrated micro-partitions of each pool.